Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 3, 2014

Tiếng anh lễ tân khách sạn 1

Sau đây là một mẫu hội thoại cơ bản tiếng anh lễ tân khách sạn.

Receptionist : Good morning Sir. May I help you?

Guest : Good morning. I need a room.

Receptionist : Do you require a single or double room or a suite?

Guest : Well! A single room will do.

Receptionist : Please fill your name in this register.

Guest : May I know the tariff (/'tærif/: bảng giá) please?

Receptionist : It's nine hundred rupees a day.

Guest : Does it include(/in'klu:d/; bao gồm)

Receptionist : No sir. It's just for the accommodation( /ə,kɔmə'dei∫nchỗ ở)  sir.

Guest : Is the room air conditioned?

Receptionist : All our rooms are centrally air-conditioned.

Guest : Do you have a restaurant?

Receptionist : Not one. We have three. We offer Indian, Western and Chinese cuisine (/kwi´zi:n/: ẩm thực) catered by the different restaurants.

Guest : Well! That's good news. I can choose different cuisine for different meals.

Receptionist : May I know the duration(/dju´reiʃən/: khoảng thời gian)  of your stay ( /stei/ lưu trú)?

Guest : Oh! I haven't filled that column because I haven't decided on my period of stay yet. It all depends on how early or how late I am going to finish my work. But, tentatively, I shall write it as four days.

Receptionist : That'll do. Please inform( /in'fo:m/: thông báo) us about your extension (/ɪkstent ʃən/ sự gia hạn)  one day earlier.

Guest : Sure. By the way, do you have laundry facility (/'lɔ:ndri/: giặt ủi) here?

Receptionist : Yes. Please call up the housekeeping department and they will have the clothes picked up.

Guest : How do I get the extension phone numbers for all the departments?

Receptionist : All the in-house phone numbers are in a list kept near the telephone.

Guest : Oh! That will do. Thank you. You have been very helpful.

Receptionist : My pleasure! I am here to help you.

Guest : Thanks. Well I am rather tired. Can you please ask the bellboy (nhân viên khuân vác) to bring my luggage to the room?

Receptionist : Certainly. Here's your key.

Guest : Thank you very much.

Receptionist : You're welcome.

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